Your email bestie (that's me!) is here to take that off your to-do list ASAP.
Get your audience's full attention with emails that wow and convert with ease.

Check out some of our offers below! Need something different?
Shoot me a message HERE.

Real talk: Those emails aren't going to write themselves.

 Supercharge your profits and scale your business with my signature offer: Email Hustle.

Email Hustle includes email copy (promotional, transactional etc.), email design, list hygiene and email strategy. Everything you'll need to make more sales online.

Pricing varies per project. 

Email Hustle: Done-For-You Strategic Email Marketing

Already have an email system you love but looking for the magic words to finally push your audience towards action?

 I'll craft email copy to grow those cheques and build a loyal community of buyers (and actually sounds like you). 

Pricing varies per project. 

Strategic Email Copy Designed to Convert

Does the thought of cold pitching put you in a cold sweat? Friend, I got you!

Leave it to me to get you new clients weekly (or daily!) with a simple and irresistible email series that builds connections and keeps you booked forever.

Pricing varies by project. 

Cold Pitching = Forever Booked 💸

download now

Hot take 🔥: ChatGPT isn't going to fix your copy problems.

In this free guide, you'll master the secret to highly converting copy so you can hook in your audience and increase your sales!

3 Email Copy Tips to Boost Your Sales
(like, right now)!

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easy to use free guide

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