A copywriting agency committed to personalized, fun copy that sells.

Our clients love us, and you probably will too.

From the thousands of conversations I've had in my past life as a customer service manager, I've understood the power of personalizing your messaging for every stage of the customer journey. 

It's literally the difference between a dusty bank account and making it rain with sales

As your email strategist, I know that savvy email marketing is non-negotiable if you want...

  • a 3,600% ROI 🀯 
  • a loyal community of buyers (safe from confusing algorithms)
  • a recession-proof business 

Most marketing experts agree that email is king πŸ‘‘ for sustained growth no matter the state of the economy.

It's a no-brainer, right? 


Hey there, friend! 
I'm Adeola, and I'm obsessed with seeing businesses thrive (especially yours!).

Business success stories are rare (we all know the scary stats).

But when I can help a business find their unique voice, perfect their messaging and see tangible results, it reminds me of why copywriting is my dream job 🫢🏽

And because I'm a recovering perfectionist, I've signed up for:

 β€’ nearly every email marketing course out there (or feels like it)
 β€’ one too many webinars
 β€’ a looong list of premium tools + resources

All so you don't have to (let's be real, your to-do list is already a mile long)!

As an email strategist and copywriter, I help businesses like yours make more money online.

Creating low-maintenance email systems that generate sales for years to come -- on autopilot!

my greatest priority is...

Data is life. Show me the numbers, baby. I see what works and what doesn't, so we can pivot fast and optimize for more sales more quickly. 

I believe that...

Live the life you want by helping you build a business that brings in sales even while you sleep. Passive income, anyone? πŸ’Έ

my goal is to help you...

– Brian Clark

In the world of internet marketing, your email list is an asset, and the quality of your email copywriting determines its value.

i believe that...

Like most of us, I spent years looking for a happy medium between my passion and financial success.

I would be lying if I said I didn't lose more money than I'd like to admit on ideas that weren't fully fleshed out.  

But, thankfully, I found my way to email copywriting and the rest is history.

Rather than "luck", I learned the skills necessary to build an audience and grow my business

And my dream is to use those same skills (copywriting) to build your success too!

I'm living MY dream writing knockout copy for online entrepreneurs and coaches.

to sum it up:


favorite show

Coffee or tea




myers briggs type


Welcome to my little corner of the internet 🀎
(with unlimited free matcha and funny memes)!

download now

Hot take πŸ”₯: ChatGPT isn't going to fix your copy problems.

In this free guide, you'll master the secret to highly converting copy so you can hook in your audience and increase your sales!

3 Email Copy Tips to Boost Your Sales
(like, right now)!

free download

easy to use free guide

Apply to work with me

Meet your customers where they are, make them connect deeply with your brand, and watch your sales soar.

Are you finally ready to make your emails hustle as much as you do?

Transform your business with strategic email copywriting.

stop leaving money on the table!

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